Jewels For Hope on The Wendy Williams Show
Exactly one week ago today we were whisked off to NYC to record a segment on The Wendy Williams Show. <insert happy dance here>

We were given the chance to be on the "Judge Wendy" segment, to see who REALLY is the boss of Jewels For Hope, myself or my mother Sandy?
I'm here to give you the tea on our adventure through the show. It was SO. MUCH. FUN. Of course, my mother and I were nervous wrecks. This was all for fun, it wasn't a real argument me and her have with each other (because she knows I'm really boss LOL).
I'll give you the play by play, because of course, I documented the whole thing... I mean, c'mon. It's the Wendy Williams Show. I HAD to take a million photos.
We started off the day bright and early. They had a car come and pick us up at home. Yep, we had our own personal driver take us into the city.

Let me tell you.... Can I have that every time I head into New York? Because that was perfection. Not cramming onto a train with a hundred other people then hauling our butts down to the studio? AMAZING.
Once we got into the studio, it was about 11:00 (traffic of course). They brought us to our very own green room where we got to hang out for an hour. It was fully stocked with sandwiches, coffee, soda, chips and more. I felt like a celebrity. I could get used to this kind of treatment.
We sat and ate a bit, because obviously if there is free food we're going to eat it. Around noon we were taken down to the studio to rehearse where we are going to stand and make sure we don't over-talk in the segment. There were two cases for the Judge Wendy segment, and we each have about 3-4 minutes worth of air time.
Everyone who worked on the show was SO NICE. They seem like they have so much fun working together. Of course as we're rehearsing, my mom is talking with her hands, in true Italian fashion and knocks her name-tag off. She may have sworn at that exact moment so from then on all of the production and camera men kept saying "gotta watch out for Sandy.... she's the one to look out for" and were just laughing with her the whole day.
After our quick rehearsal, we were rushed upstairs for the best part.
Professional hair and makeup.
We got beautified by the brilliant artists there with full hair and makeup. Really, it was like we were celebrities. My mom looked ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. I was so happy she got to be treated like a bit of a queen for a day. She deserves it.

.... and I don't think I looked too bad myself!

At this point, the nerves are really kicking in. We have about 10 minutes until we go on. My palms are sweating. I keep fixing my hair, and of course end up getting black dye all over my hands since the hairstylist had to cover up my greys really quick before going on (I admit it! It is what it is... I'm going grey and didn't have time to get to the hair salon to dye it before the segment lol) But I digress.....
We finally get on air. Wow. it went by so quickly!
It's like we blinked and we were finished. Neither of us really even remember what we said in the moment, we were so nervous.
Wendy was so nice! She said our jewelry we were wearing was beautiful and asked if we had a little somethin' somethin' for the Judge. OF COURSE WE DID.
We each made something special for Wendy as a thank you for having us on the show.
I made her these handwoven earrings:
Sandy made her this aromatherapy diffuser bracelet, with a special W button:
Are you dying to find out who Wendy decided should be the true boss of Jewels For Hope?
Watch the clip below!
Thank you so much to Wendy and the team for having us on the show. It was a blast! Did you watch the segment? Share with us in the comments what you thought!
In honor of this WONDERFUL SEGMENT we're offering you 20% off if you use the code